Getting Started


Using VSCode is recommended; all workflows and setup have been setup with this environment in mind. You should install and use the ESLint extention, details on that are here. On the windows platform, development within the WSL2 environment is also highly recommended.


  • Supported OS:

    • Linux: Ubuntu, Debian

    • Mac

    • Windows 10: WSL

  • Docker: If you are developing on a Windows platform, enable WSL integration when you install Docker-Desktop.


All commands should be run at the root of the repository. Most of them use Lerna to run subcommands inside the different packages. Most of these commands can be run on an individual package from the packages directory if necessary.

  1. Switch to correct version of Node:

    nvm install 12 && nvm alias default 12

  2. Install packages:


  3. Compile the whole repository to make sure everything is working

yarn compile

  1. Create all the development docker images

yarn dockerize

  1. Start the docker world

yarn start

This will start a LOT of docker images: 1. A hardhat based ethereum development node. The node will have all the necessary contracts deployed, and the various development accounts funded. It is available at http://localhost:8545 2. All the servers needed for the Vector protocol. These consist of a server node for the router, a router, a host for the Vector iframe, and the messaging stack. 3. The core iframe server, which delivers the webpacked Hypernet Protocol Core Iframe. This is just an NGINX host, and is available at http://localhost:5020 4. The gateway iframe server. Similar to the core iframe server, it just delivers the webpacked Hypernet Protocol Gateway Iframe. It is available at http://localhost:5005 5. The user dashboard server. Another NGINX host, it is available at http://localhost:5016 6. A test gateway server. This is a Node and Express based server that simulates the function of a gateway. It is available at http://localhost:5010

  1. Open the user dashboard in your browser: http://localhost:5016. You can add the test gateway using the URL http://localhost:5010.


This is organized as a monorepo, using this as an example. You must use yarn, because NPM does not support workspaces. All the dev dependencies are installed in the root package.json and should be the same for all pacakages. Sub packages are in the packages directory, and overall documentation is in the documentation directory.


Adding dependencies

Dev dependencies should be added to the root of the repository, via

yarn add <package name> --dev -W

Normal dependencies and peer dependencies should be added via yarn to the actual pacakge. Refer to the example monorepo above for more examples.

Last updated